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How Alcohol Consumption Can Result in Pedestrian Deaths in Vegas

When you are in Las Vegas, you walk around a lot. Specifically, you walk between casinos, shopping centers, restaurants and clubs. Public drinking is also generally legal in Vegas, meaning you might be intoxicated as you walk around. Whether you have been drinking or not, drivers may also be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, no matter if they are driving their own passenger vehicle, a taxi or working for a ride-sharing service.

Alcohol consumption for both drivers and pedestrians can result in fatal pedestrian accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), almost half of accidents resulting in pedestrian deaths involved drinking alcohol for either party involved. Here is how to stay safe as a pedestrian in Vegas:

Spotting drunk drivers

You must be vigilant while walking around the strip. Some signs a driver is drunk include:

  • Weaving across the road
  • Tailgating
  • Sudden acceleration
  • Driving too close to a curb or other vehicle
  • Erratic braking
  • Driving at night with headlights off
  • Driving into opposing traffic

If you spot any of these dangerous behaviors, stay far away from the road to avoid being hit. Remember that drivers of taxis, buses and other commercial vehicles may be intoxicated.

Walking safely

There are several things you can do to reduce your chances of getting hit by a car. First, you can avoid or limit alcohol consumption despite the legality of public drinking. Alcohol impairs your ability to react and make quick decisions. Reducing your alcohol consumption will help you stay alert and ready. You should also always walk in safe areas by using sidewalks and crosswalks whenever possible. Of course, always follow traffic signs and signals.

Getting struck by a car as a pedestrian can cause severe injuries, and alcohol impairment increases the likelihood of death in these situations. If you remain aware of drunk drivers and follow safety guidelines while walking the strip, you have a better chance of staying safe.

If you're in need of a drunk driving accident lawyer in Las Vegas, contact us now.